In case of any questions, do not hesitate to send us an e-mail directly to, contact us via the form below or the WhatsApp application.
Contact usIf you have a question that you are unable to resolve by email, please contact us at any time
+421 909 123 300. Or you can send us an SMS, and we will get back to you
To learn more about the LEXANTE Law Office or the legal services and areas we cover, visit section Our services and find out more.
Explore servicesIn case of any questions, please make priority of using email communication or the direct contact form below.
Bratislava (HQ)
Slávičie údolie 106,
811 02 Bratislava,
Banská Bystrica
4th floor
Horná 65/A,
974 01 , Banská Bystrica,
(Porges Palota),
3rd floor
Dunajská 3,
041 01 , Košice,
(Castor Business Residence),
LEXANTE s.r.o.,
Slávičie údolie 106,
811 02 Bratislava
Company ID No.:
53 362 624
Registered in the Commercial Register of City Court Bratislava III, Section: Sro, File No.: 147916 / B
IBAN: SK21 1100 0000 0029 4109 2700
Tatra banka, a. s.
Phone: +421 909 123 300
Company LEXANTE s.r.o. with registered seat: Slávičie údolie 106, 811 02 Bratislava, Company ID No.: 53 362 624, Registered in the Commercial Register of the City Court Bratislava III, Section: Sro, File no.: 147916/B is a limited liability company whose object of business is providing legal services.
LEXANTE s.r.o. is registered as a law firm in the list of limited liability companies maintained by the Slovak Bar Association (SAK). The law firm's authorization to provide legal services was established by an entry in the list of limited liability companies providing legal services maintained by SAK, in accordance with Act no. 586/2003 Coll. on Advocacy and Amendments to Act No. 455/1991 Coll. on Trade Licensing (Trade Licensing Act) as amended.
LEXANTE s.r.o. provides legal services based on contracts concluded with clients, in accordance with the relevant regulations, particularly the provisions of the Advocacy Act and the SAK statutes (available at
Contracts for the provision of legal services are concluded in accordance with the law of the Slovak Republic. In the event of a dispute, the District Court of the Slovak Republic has jurisdiction to decide. Remuneration for legal services is agreed contractually between LEXANTE s.r.o. and the client before the first provision of services and in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic no. 655/2004 Coll. on the remuneration and compensation of lawyers for the provision of legal services, as amended. "